Some Stuff N' Stuff

Mostly a garden blog, and the occasional garden-inspired recipe.


Who wants scallions?

The garden has grown better than my wildest garden dreams. I have more green onions than I know what to do with. I just give them out to my garden neighbors, Tony, Sajid, Mom & Dad, the roommates, and just about anyone else I can hand them to. If only the turtle ate scallions, he wouldn't be so hungry.

Here are some photos, and even a movie (viewed mostly sideways - so they're not as fun to watch as I hoped). I'll work on that for the next video set.

Front View

Side View

Walking In

Front Row and Osgood St

The dill is over 5 feet tall now...

The only space I can stand in really...

Dill, glorious dill.

Salsa Hot Peppers - about 5-6 inches long so far

Cosmos and bell pepper plants below

Tomato Plants - those stakes are 6 feet high - more like 5 feet since they're stuck in the ground - so those'em tomatoes are taller than I...

Tomato close-up - brandwine heirloom still green

Bell peppers close up - still green - about 4-5 inches so far


Cosmo close-up

Looking back at the dill and sage

Today's scallion harvest

Scallion close-up

Also, basil, hot peppers, and raspberries

Movies: Garden Movie I
You will need to turn your head sideways for the first 2 parts of 3 - I'm working on NOT doing that next time:)


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