Some Stuff N' Stuff

Mostly a garden blog, and the occasional garden-inspired recipe.


Time to make the veggies

Garden perennials

Finally, that time has come to scout the garden centers and pour through my Burpee book for interesting veggies and herbs to grow this year. I already planted some poppy and cosmo seeds, as well as dill and scallions. Those should be sprouting sometime next week.

Seed packets

I dug up the garden a few days ago. It seemed as though I had planted rocks this fall cause I had tons of little pebbles all over the garden. If I were interested in growing rocks, I'd be doing pretty good. Alas, I tossed them to the side and along the front of the plot for a little home spun decor.

Onion budding

The usual perennials were up, including the onions and cilantro from the previous oer of the plot, chives & oregano I got from my father, and dill. The sage bush looked as though it was spent, so I dug it up and plan to put in some lemongrass or something else instead. I also plan to plant more tomatoes than last year, and scratching the bell peppers. Those things gave me nothing but grief last year.

Leaving the garden for the day


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July 22, 2006 at 1:11 PM  

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