Some Stuff N' Stuff

Mostly a garden blog, and the occasional garden-inspired recipe.


Pre-Memorial Day Planting!

Yes it's true. Against my own advice I've planted all my warm weather crops before the unofficial start to summer, Memorial Day Weekend. I purchased all my seedlings at Mahoney's this year:

- 6 pack of Roma Tomatoes
- 6 pack of Sweet Cherry 100s
- 1 Thai Dragon Hot peppers (NEW)
- 1 Thai Basil
- 1 Sweet Basil
- 1 Taxi Tomato (YAY)
- 3 pack of Cucumbers

Today is hot and sunny, about 90˚F. I went gardening around 3pm and the sweat was dripping off my nose the whole time as I dug, hoed and planted. I took advantage of the hose and cooled down a number of times and drank from it. A few teenagers had a better idea and cooled off in the spray fountain across the street in the kiddie park. I have to remember that's there the next time I need a full body cooldown.

The lettuce is looking great, and the beans have all sprouted and are growing big leaves. The onions look a little thirsty, so I watered everything. I even have a surprise radish or two that wandered over from my neighbor's plot. They got a few of my wandering dill, so the free exchange is complete.


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