Some Stuff N' Stuff

Mostly a garden blog, and the occasional garden-inspired recipe.


Still battling Aphids, rain finally stops

Bean Fowers

Green Beans

Phew, I think it's finally summer. Yes it's July but it's felt like May or even Septemer at times. The 24 days of clouds and rain seems to be over, and the garden is slowly picking up where it left off.

Garden view

To my surprise, I have beans (and bean flowers). They're not ready to pick, but soon! The summer squash plant is getting large, and I already have a mini squash under there, with lots of others starting to grow. The dill is as tall as me, and the onions look ready to go (red), but I'm going to let them sit there longer. I pulled up all the garlic, the last head being the biggest and whitest. The basil was looking good so I pulled a bunch of leaves off for a stir fry.

Summer Squash

In the back, the cucumbers are dying for some heat, and I think the netting I put up is helpful (though my garden now has the look of an old sea shanty).The Romas & Cherry are doing well with 1-2" green ones, the early girls are looking okay (no fruit, lots of flowers), but the poor heirlooms are struggling against the aphids (though there are a few big green heirlooms growing, I wonder if I'll get much later in the season from them).

Last Garlic Head

The other neighbor's gardens are doing well, black capped raspberries are in, grapes are making some headway, and I pulled a ton of weeks this week (though I didn't have many between plants since I put down all that hay.

Aphid & damage






View from tomatoes


Bean Flowers

Bean Flowers



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