Some Stuff N' Stuff

Mostly a garden blog, and the occasional garden-inspired recipe.


A whole new year

Seed Packets

From Pemberton:
- 1 Burpee "Garden Beans" Stringless Green Pod (seeds)
- 1 Burpee "Mesclun" Salad Mix (seeds)
- 6 Yellow Onions (seedlings)
- 6 Red Onions (seedlings)

From WF (2009):

- 1 SOC "Mesclun Salad Mix" (seeds)

Garden time beckons with warmer weather, rain showers and the occasional frost warning:) I took advantage of the warm weather 2 Fridays ago to plant lettuce and bean seeds, as well as yellow and red onion seedlings in the garden. After planting, I topped it all off with compost that was recently dumped at the end of Osgood St for the gardeners. The water had been turned on recently on so they all got a nice bath.

The garlic I planted last fall was sprouting in a range of degrees, from heathly and strong to weak and meak, to not there at all. Laura and I bought 3 or 4 different kinds of garlic, all of which escape me now. Thankfully I planted plenty of bulbs, so I should have about 12or so plants to harvest this July/early Aug. I met a bunch of nice neighbors passing by and one fellow gardener while I was there.

Garlic a-growin

Wild lettuce & dill growing (I got rid of most of this)

At home, I planted some Kentucky mint in a bowl on the newly rebuilt porch. I'll be back soon to see how things are progressing!

Garden watered


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