Some Stuff N' Stuff

Mostly a garden blog, and the occasional garden-inspired recipe.


Tomato time

Back from vacation - and for the first time - I timed it right and actually got a bounty of tomatoes upon my return. I have quite a selection of tomato varieties ot eat, Oregon Spring, Yellow Brandywine, regular Brandwine, Golden Jubilee and Sun Golds (lots of yellow/orange this year). A few cucumbers and a bunch of hot peppers made for an eventful return. (The neighbor's zinnias are quite nice too.)

What happened here?

Tangle of tomatoes

Hot peppers

African Basil (bolted tops)

Sun Golds

Brandywine (still green)


Zinnias amoung the cilantro

Cucumber vine


Everything is finally in

- Cucumbers (still lots of them and 7-10" in length). Many babies still on the vine.
- Hot peppers (lots, long & straight, some curly - all about 6-8" in length)
- Tomatoes (a handful of Sun Golds, a small Oregon Spring, several medium sized Golden Jubilees, and one giant Brandywine (about 5" wide).
- The Italian basil is on the outs, but the African basil still adorns the kitchen as a fine floral display.
- Dill & cilantro seed is ready to harvest
- Getting lots of red onions about 3-4" in diameter. Actually, I'm holding back from picking them so that I can enjoy them all summer long. I let the stalks dry out at home and I eventually cut them off with scissors before use.