Green Tomatoes - things to remember for next year
Seems like every September, I'm left with many green tomatoes. This year is no exception, however the Old German heirloom is doing it's best to eek out a few pinkish tomatoes before the first frost. The Red Brandywines weren't quite as prolific, but the plants are still in decent shape. The yellow one had some nice tomatoes, but not a ton, and the Oregon Spring was probably the biggest disappointment, giving me about 4 tomatoes all season (and they weren't anything to write in the blog about). So that leaves me with the best fruit of all , the Golden Jubulies my brother gave me - i think he bought them at Kane's, your basic hybrid tomato. The cherry sun golds were also a disappointment. This year's plant from Mahoney's didn't produce nearly as many fruit as the sun golds from year's past which I buy from Pemberton. Next year I should plant some hybrids along with the brandywines, like Romas and another red globe fruit, just to satisfy my love for fresh tomatoes.
The garden salsa peppers are their usual self, growing like crazy, even now. Can't beat those babies, I have 2 gallon bags of them in the freezer which should last me over a year.
The African basil was a pleasant surprise, growing ginormous and pretty in purple. The basil did okay, but next year I should plant them in partial shade to make them last longer.
Cucumbers did great and are still producing. I hope to grow them the length of the fence next year (doubling the number). The 6 Romaine lettuces did very well (next year, I should plant arugula after the romaine), and the experimental dill/cilantro plot did too - though I should move them to the back. The 6 red onions were awesome, look forward to doing more of those next year, maybe double. September is the month for great Concord grapes, the garden raspberries this July were great too.
The garden salsa peppers are their usual self, growing like crazy, even now. Can't beat those babies, I have 2 gallon bags of them in the freezer which should last me over a year.
The African basil was a pleasant surprise, growing ginormous and pretty in purple. The basil did okay, but next year I should plant them in partial shade to make them last longer.
Cucumbers did great and are still producing. I hope to grow them the length of the fence next year (doubling the number). The 6 Romaine lettuces did very well (next year, I should plant arugula after the romaine), and the experimental dill/cilantro plot did too - though I should move them to the back. The 6 red onions were awesome, look forward to doing more of those next year, maybe double. September is the month for great Concord grapes, the garden raspberries this July were great too.